Illness / Medication
We follow guidelines for illnesses set forth by the New York Department of Health (DOH). Children must be sent home if they have a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, are vomiting, or have diarrhea. Additionally, unusual rashes or other signs of infectious disease like the pink eye will warrant a phone call to a parent/guardian. Children must be fever, vomit, and diarrhea free for 24 hours, without medication, before returning to daycare. The timeline for returning can be extended for certain communicable diseases, like Hand, Foot, and Mouth (HFM). Any medication brought to Kids World (non-prescription, topical) requires a completed form. Diaper rash cream, sunscreen, or any other non-prescription topical medication requires the topical medication form.
Please send a text message to 718-613-9556 if the child will be out for the day or unusually late.
Food is an important part of Kids World day! We will be serving food for children that eat solid foods. A nutritious USDA-approved breakfast, lunch, and snacks are scheduled daily and are provided by the caregivers. Please bring to our attention any special dietary needs your child might have.
Infants will be fed according to parental instructions and individual schedules. Please provide food and formula for your child.
Please send meals (PEANUT FREE) with your child. We have a set schedule for meals and snacks that revolves around our daily routine.
All allergies (and dietary concerns) will be posted in each room and written on the child’s emergency info/consent cards. Please note that we are a PEANUT-FREE facility. If you send any food with your child or donate any food to any functions held at the daycare please ensure that these foods are PEANUT FREE. If your child has any dietary restrictions or allergies, please let me know in writing and provide me with the necessary medical statement from a doctor. If your child has an EpiPen or inhaler, please provide it to me with a label and expiration date. It is required that you give me training on how to use these.
Please label all bottles and sippy cups with your child's name. Jackets and coats should also be labeled with your child’s name or initials.
Please send a set of weather-appropriate clothing with your child labeled with their name. We will send a note/text if your child needs extra clothing, diapers, wipes, etc. Layering a sweatshirt or hoodie over short sleeves is recommended for days when it is cool in the morning and warm in the evening. Please review our daily schedule for our outdoor play times and be sure your child has adequate outerwear or is dressed appropriately for those specific times. Close-toed shoes are recommended but not required for outdoor play. If your child brings home soiled clothing, please be sure to send in replacement items the following day. Children getting dirty during meals, art, and outside play is common and is a sign of your child having an active and fun day. It is suggested that your child come to Kids World in clothes and shoes and would be comfortable with them playing outdoors.
Items needed from home
● A labeled bag to fit your child’s spare clothing, diapers, and any over-the-counter topical ointments.
● Diapers
● Spare Clothing – including underwear and socks, at least 2 complete sets for those potty training age and under.
● Classroom shoes & socks that are strictly for childcare and not worn outside.
● Weather-appropriate clothing - jacket/splash/snow pants/hats/mitts, boots, etc.
We look forward to celebrating your child’s birthday at Kids World! Families are welcome to send in birthday treats on or around their child’s birthday. Please do not send peanut products.
We will be closed on the Following Holidays:
Memorial Day, Islamic holiday (you will be notified in advance), Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. **Full fees are due regardless of holiday days off.
Payment Procedures
Forms of payment include Zelle or check (Monthly payments)
Registration / Deposit
Registration is not complete, and care will not commence until all the paperwork is done. Before the start date of care, the following must be received by Kids World Daycare Inc. for each child:
● Registration Form
● Immunization Record
● Medical Statement of Child in Childcare (NYS Office of Children and Family Services)
● Parent/Caregiver Agreement
● Emergency Contact
● One (1) month Deposit
● Letter of Overall Health from the child’s physician
● Parents’ Valid NYS ID
● Child’s Insurance Card
● Photograph of the child and an authorized individual (pick-ups)
One month's deposit is required upon registration. This deposit will be applied to the last month of enrollment. Parents agree that a notice of a minimum of one (1) full month (notice to be given on the 1st of any given month) will be given for the permanent withdrawal of any child from daycare. There will be a $100 registration fee.
Entering the Daycare
Upon arriving at the daycare, I ask you to please sign in your child after a health check is done, and please put on a pair of blue shoe coverings over your shoes. This helps us to prevent the spread of outdoor germs from coming into the daycare. Anyone entering the daycare is required to wash their hands. If you are staying for a few minutes longer to interact/play with your child, please wash your hands.
Signing in and out/Attendance Records Policy
Children are signed in and out by a parent/guardian upon their arrival and departure. If your child is not going to attend care as per usual please inform us by 8 am. This will help us plan activities for the day. When your child does not attend daycare, please call or text to let us know the reason.
Please notify the daycare if an unauthorized person will be picking up your child. Verbal or written permission must be received before we will release a child to anyone who is not authorized on the registration form. Please let any individuals other than parents who may pick up the children know that they will be asked for a picture ID to ensure the safety of all children.
*Children are not permitted to leave with any person who does not have a note/photo ID. If a parent cannot be contacted, it is the policy of Kids World to call an emergency contact, should a child remain in care after 6:00 pm. A late fee of $10.00 will be charged every 5-15 minutes if a child remains in care after 6:00 p.m. This late fee is due and payable upon pickup
Potty Training Policies
I strive to support your potty training efforts at home right through the day here at daycare. However, there are some key signs to look for before we can help you train your child at the center. The key signs of readiness for potty training include:
● The child can pull down and up their pants and underwear/pull-ups on their own with little or no assistance
● The child can communicate to you when they need to go to the bathroom
● The child can hold their bowels and bladder until they get to the potty once they realize that they need to go
Discipline Policy/Behavior Management
1- Focus on “Do” rather than “Don’t.” For example, “Walking feet” instead “Stop running inside.”
2. Offer choices: “You can sit on the rug or at the table for story time.”
3. Encourage children to use kind words rather than physical acts. For example: suggest using the phrase, “I was playing with that toy.”
4. Praise positive behavior: “ I see Marcus sharing his toy with John, thank you for sharing.”
5. Model desired behaviors for the children to learn by example.
6. Arrange the program space to positively impact children’s behavior. For example, avoid large open spaces that might encourage children to run indoors.
7. Listen to the children and respond to their needs proactively to achieve their goals. Keeping the children engaged with activities helps prevent conflict.
Withdrawal Of Services Policy
A 30-day notice is required for the termination of childcare services.